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advance internet造句

  • This capability enabled the company to offer advanced Internet, data and voice services.
  • The organization guiding the development of the Abilene Project is the University Corporation for Advanced Internet
  • It is overseen by the University Corporation for Advanced Internet Development in Ann Arbor, Mich.
  • Visa is pioneering SET ( Secure Electronic Transaction ? ) programs to enable and advance Internet commerce.
  • Compared to other advanced Internet societies, the United States is rapidly descending toward a calamity of unrepresentative government.
  • DOM, and ECMAScript; eventually, the more advanced Internet Explorer 5.0 became the market leader.
  • The offer will bring fabulous educational resources to schools too poor to provide an advanced Internet hookup on their own.
  • The unit's Advance Digital name was established December 16, 2011; its previous name was Advance Internet.
  • Microsoft is widely perceived to be lagging Netscape Communications Corp . and Sun Microsystems in bringing advanced Internet software to market.
  • For Microsoft, it would help unclog the bandwidth bottleneck that today blocks delivery of advanced Internet services to most households.
  • It's difficult to see advance internet in a sentence. 用advance internet造句挺难的
  • The advocate's office is to focus on advanced Internet connections for businesses, known as T1 and T3 lines.
  • In 2000 he changed his focus and concentrated on advanced internet search methods and the reverse engineering of search engine code.
  • More advanced Internet tools, including the information search and retrieval tools FTP and Gopher, will be added early next year.
  • Google executives have long conceded that one of their great fears is to be overtaken by a more advanced Internet search technology.
  • More specifically, advanced Internet protocol technology can allow ISPs to fabricate congestion and drop packets when no real congestion takes place.
  • But the computer-communications alliance wants the commission to let the phone companies reserve their advanced Internet communications equipment for their own use.
  • The objective is to combine efforts of academia and business to develop advanced Internet services including telemedicine, interactive distance learning and digital libraries.
  • _Circumventing the legal challenges to Napster and MP3 . com, many turn to advanced Internet swapping programs such as Gnutella and Rapster.
  • For the North American region, the winner was Karl Auerbach, a researcher in the Advanced Internet Architectures group at Cisco Systems Inc.
  • 更多造句:  1  2  3
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